I Don’t Like the Size of My Labia: Can You Help?

I Don’t Like the Size of My Labia: Can You Help?

Are you embarrassed about a private part of your body — your labia, the folds of skin that cover the entrance to your vagina and your urethra? You have two sets of labia, the labia majora, which are the larger folds of skin on the outside and are easily visible, and the labia minora, or smaller folds of skin tucked just inside the outer folds. 

If you’re uncomfortable with the way your labia appear to yourself or an intimate partner, whether they’re too large or asymmetrical, you can alter their appearance to make them a normal size with an uncomplicated procedure called a labiaplasty. 

A labiaplasty should only be performed by a skilled plastic surgeon. Dr. Jack Hensel Jr., board-certified plastic surgeon with Lowcountry Plastic Surgery Center in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, performs labiaplasty for many satisfied patients. 

Problems with the labia

Perhaps your labia are abnormally enlarged as a result of childbirth or a sport such as cycling or horseback riding, or simply your genetic makeup. They may droop down toward your thighs instead of appearing as normal-sized folds in the case of the labia majora, or they may hang loosely if the problem is the labia minora. 

Loose labia can become twisted or turned during physical activity or sexual intercourse, causing pain. They may cause unwanted bulges in your pelvic area when wearing form-fitting clothing. 

If the appearance of your labia embarrasses you or if their shape causes discomfort, we can help. Drooping labia can make you seem elderly when you’re not. Perhaps your intimate partner has noticed the change in this part of your body. You want your labia restored to a normal shape and size. 


Before the surgery, you have a consultation with Dr. Hensel. You can feel at ease because your doctor has performed this procedure many times. He asks you about your goals and can show you before and after photos. We want to make sure you have realistic expectations about the procedure.

When you’re cleared to proceed, we make you comfortable for the labiaplasty procedure. Dr. Hensel performs the procedure using either general anesthesia or local anesthesia with IV sedation, depending on the amount of work to be done and your preference. 

The operation takes less than one hour. You have sutures that dissolve on their own in a little over one week. We prescribe pain medication for temporary use while you’re healing. You’ll have a little swelling for a couple of weeks and minor bleeding in the area for about a week

We provide written post-op instructions for cleaning the area and care when you’re going to the bathroom. You’ll apply a topical or take an oral antibiotic to prevent infection. Be sure to wear loose clothing while you’re healing. 

There’s minimal downtime involved with a labiaplasty. You can resume your normal activities in less than a week in most cases and resume sexual activity in a few weeks. 

Deformities in physical appearance can cause more than embarrassment. They can result in feelings of shame and lowered self-confidence. 

Modern medicine can transform a physical deformity into a body part with a normal appearance. For all of your aesthetic needs, call Lowcountry Plastic Surgery Center or book an appointment online today. 

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