Start SculpSure® Now and Have the Body You Want This Summer

Spring is in the air, which means summer is right around the corner. Are you ready for swimsuits and shorts? Are you struggling to lose your belly bulge or trim down your thighs? Even with an almost perfect diet and a strong commitment to your workout, some areas of fat just won’t budge.

If these imperfections are keeping you from enjoying your summer as you should, you might want to consider SculpSure®, a noninvasive laser treatment offered here at Lowcountry Plastic Surgery. SculpSure melts the fat away and gives you the body you’ve already earned. Dr. Jack Hensel, Jr. and his team of aesthetic specialists have helped numerous patients sculpt the body of their dreams.

What is SculpSure?

When you peruse the diet pill section of your local big-box store, you’ll see many pills and products that promise to melt the fat away. Well, that’s literally what happens with SculpSure.

SculpSure uses advanced laser technology to destroy fat cells, specifically those in your abs, love handles, butt, thighs, or back. The power of the laser can zap almost 25% of your fat cells in the treated area in about 25 minutes.

However, while SculpSure may sound like the magic weight-loss “pill” you’ve been searching for all your life, it’s not for everyone. In fact, the laser works best on people who are close to their desired weight, but have difficulty trimming down certain areas of fat on their body.

How it works

Because it’s a noninvasive procedure, needles and scalpels aren’t involved with SculpSure. The laser applicator is placed against your skin in the treatment area and the heat from the laser targets the fat cells, causing the cell membranes to rupture. Your body then flushes those dead cells out through normal processes, and they never return.

As the laser works, you may feel some heat on your skin, but the SculpSure system is equipped with a special skin-cooling system that significantly reduces your discomfort. You should be able to resume your normal day immediately following treatment. In fact, you can get treatment on your lunch break from work and return to your workday without skipping a beat.

For best results, you may need a series of treatments to help sculpt your body into your desired shape. Our aesthetic team at Lowcountry Plastic Surgery has a lot of experience with SculpSure and we’ll work with you to develop an effective plan.

Get swimsuit ready now

With SculpSure, the results aren’t immediate. While many patients see positive changes around six weeks after treatment, it can take up to 12 weeks for you to truly see the magnitude of the fat-removal treatment. That said, if it’s summer you’re gearing up for, you need to start at least two to three months before Memorial Day to be truly swimsuit ready by beach season.

Maintaining your summer body

The fat cells may be gone, or at least on their way out, but that doesn’t mean you can stop your healthy diet and exercise program. To keep your body summer ready all year long after SculpSure treatment it’s important to eat healthy foods and get regular exercise that includes both aerobic and weight-training routines. If you need nutrition guidance, we can help with that, too.

If you’re ready to start on your beach body now, call the office or schedule an appointment using the online booking agent. You can start SculpSure treatment right away.

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