When is a Labiaplasty Appropriate?

When is a Labiaplasty Appropriate?

Are you embarrassed to appear in a swimsuit because your pubic area has elongated folds of skin that hang down and bunch up when you wear a bathing suit? Wearing a bikini is out of the question … or is it? 

You don’t have to live the rest of your life unable to put on the beach attire you want to wear. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Matthew Baker with Lowcountry Plastic Surgery Center by H/K/B can perform a minor procedure called a labiaplasty that restores your female genitalia to their normal appearance.  

What are the labia? 

As a woman, you have two folds of skin that guard the entrance to your vagina: the labia majora and labia minora. They help protect the vagina and urethra from irritation and from bacteria that could cause an infection.

The labia majora are the larger, outer folds of skin with pubic hair on them. The labia minora are the thinner folds of skin tucked inside the labia majora. They also protect your vagina and urethra and help lubricate your vagina during sexual stimulation. 

Why do my labia appear larger now or droop outside of my vagina? 

There are several reasons why labia become enlarged or start drooping below your vagina. If you’ve had a child via vaginal delivery, your labia may stretch and expand. If you’re in menopause, you may see changes that are simply age-related, similar to looser skin on your upper arms. If you’ve had enlarged labia since puberty, the cause is likely related to hormones. 

What is labiaplasty? 

A labiaplasty is a minor operation that reconstructs the labia majora or minora so that there is no more deformity. 

If your labia are abnormally large, or if your labia minora droop below your labia majora and cause embarrassment and discomfort, Dr. Baker corrects the imbalance in their appearance. During the procedure, Dr. Baker extracts some tissue from the labia so that they are uniform and normal in size and shape. 

Your body fully absorbs your sutures about 10 days after the procedure. You’ll be back to normal activity in one week and can engage in sexual activity in a few weeks. 

When is labiaplasty appropriate? 

You’ve come to Dr. Baker with your concerns. Dr. Baker examines your genital area. If your labia are abnormally large, asymmetrical, or have deformities such as your labia minora drooping below your labia majora, Dr. Baker assures you the procedure is safe and appropriate for you. 

If your labia cause you discomfort or embarrassment because your pubic area bulges in a swimsuit, you’re a candidate for the procedure. Perhaps your labia minora have stretched and are too elongated from an activity such as cycling or horseback riding; perhaps it’s from childbirth or age. Maybe your labia are asymmetrical. These are all good reasons to have labiaplasty. 

Just as you have unique features as a result of your genetic makeup, your labia aren’t going to look exactly like those of other women. Some are larger while some are smaller. If Dr. Baker sees no sign of deformity, he lets you know. You can be reassured that your labia are perfectly normal. 

Call or message Lowcountry Plastic Surgery Center by H/K/Bin Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, today for all of your aesthetic needs. We help you meet your aesthetic goals. 

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