Brow Lift: A Minor Procedure That Delivers Major Results

Brow Lift: A Minor Procedure That Delivers Major Results

Do you see new signs of aging around your eyes and on your forehead? Perhaps you’re unhappy with horizontal lines that, with time, could begin to look like railroad tracks. Maybe the skin around your eyes is drooping, giving your eyes a sad or tired look. 

At Lowcountry Plastic Surgery Center by H/K/B, our board-certified plastic surgeon can smooth away these and other markers of aging with a brow lift. The procedure does what it says: It heightens your brows, which may have begun to sag. Doing this sets in motion other facial improvements that we complete during the procedure. 

How can a brow lift improve my appearance? 

A brow lift is a minor procedure that provides several benefits, all at one time. Following are the ways that a brow lift can correct facial imperfections. 

Minimizes fine lines and wrinkles

Perhaps you see new fine lines around your eyes that weren’t there a year ago. Or, you may notice horizontal forehead lines that make your face look much older than you are. A brow lift can remedy these new signs of aging. Why not look as young as you can for as long as you can?  

Smooths out creases in your eyelids 

Perhaps you see extra lines on your upper eyelids. As you age, your skin loses elasticity. The skin may start to droop and fold over itself, creating extra lines there. This can make you look tired all the time. 

A brow lift can remove the fat tissue that gravity has pulled downward. Your eye structure returns to its youthful appearance. 

If your eyelids droop so much that they interfere with your vision, we can perform an eyelid surgery called blepharoplasty. This procedure is usually covered by insurance because it’s a health issue. 

Heightens low eyebrows

Are your eyebrows too low for your facial structure? Brows can sag as you age. That’s because skin starts to sag. The space between your brows and your eyelashes can actually decrease. 

Aging causes a loss of connective tissue that helps keep your skin smooth. We can heighten your eyebrows to conform with your facial structure so that they’re in correct alignment, which gives your face a pleasant appearance. 

Reshapes eyebrows and creates symmetry 

Perhaps your brows are more like straight lines above your face. We can create beautiful eyebrows with the correct amount of lift that harmonizes with the rest of your face. 

Sometimes brows aren’t symmetrical. We can easily correct this flaw. 

All of these changes add up to make your face look younger. We minimize several signs of aging to give your face a refreshed appearance. 

Call or message Lowcountry Plastic Surgery Center by H/K/B in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, today for a consultation. We want to help you reach your aesthetic goals. 

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