How to Maximize Your Weight Loss Treatment

How to Maximize Your Weight Loss Treatment

You’re ready to take the weight loss journey. You want to eliminate those rolls of fat that spill over your waistline. You want thinner thighs. You definitely want to get rid of the excess flab on your arms. 

Our expert provider at Lowcountry Plastic Surgery Center by H/K/B provides answers for all of your aesthetic needs, including weight loss solutions

You’re making an investment in weight loss treatment. Make your investment yield dividends by making some changes to your lifestyle and eating habits at the same time. 

Your habits have gotten you to this point. If you continue the same behaviors, you can’t expect different results. Following are some great tips for maximizing your weight loss treatment. 

Don’t try to lose weight alone 

Losing weight isn’t a walk in the park. Achieving difficult goals sometimes takes a village. Join a weight loss group, either online or in person, to help your motivation go the distance. Having an accountability partner can help stop you from binging on an “off” day when nothing goes right. 

Incorporate resistance training into your exercise routine

Building muscle not only helps smooth out unwanted bulges; it also helps keep you healthy. Strong muscles benefit your joints. First, they help improve your balance. Weak, flabby muscles collapse easily and can cause you to fall, injuring bones, joints, and more. Building muscle also builds bone and protects against osteoporosis. 

In addition, after you exercise with weights, your oxygen levels are elevated to aid muscle recovery. The exercise and the afterburn effect increase your metabolism, helping you burn fat. 

If you aren’t building strong muscles with some form of resistance training, you can’t store carbohydrates efficiently. Your blood sugar levels go up, and you store more fat. 

Of course, aerobic exercise is an important part of weight loss. If you’re not able to do high impact aerobic exercise, incorporate low impact exercises such as swimming, cycling, the elliptical machine or treadmill. If your doctor says it’s safe for you, incorporate interval training in your routine. It burns more calories during your workout and extends the benefits for the rest of the day.

Eat fewer sugary and low value processed foods

Not surprisingly, research shows what you eat is the most important factor in weight loss. You most likely already know it’s time to cut back on sugary foods like cake, cookies, candy, and soft drinks. 

High glycemic foods have carbs that break down quickly in your body and cause your blood sugar to spike. Sugar is linked to disease: high blood pressure, inflammation, diabetes, and weight gain. 

It’s hard to go “cold turkey” if you’re used to eating sugary foods and beverages. Try a plan in which you cut out one favorite sugary food per week (while not eating more of the others) and substitute a fruit that you like. 

Research also shows that if you eat a lot of ultra processed foods, you’re likely to eat about 500 more calories per day than if you don’t, and you’ll gain weight. Examples of ultra processed foods are French fries, potato chips, and processed meats like hot dogs. With that knowledge, you’re sabotaging yourself if you continue to buy and order those types of foods. 

Eat more food from plants 

Scientists tell us that eating more plant-based foods helps you lose weight. For example, fruits are a wonderful source of sweetness. 

Buy fruits you like and keep some of them visible. Each morning you can take oranges or apples and put them in a bowl on the table. In season, select a pineapple and cut it up. Mango is another great choice. Berries like blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries have the fewest carbs among fruits. Make a smoothie with yogurt, berries, and milk or a milk substitute. 

Set a goal to increase the number of servings of fruits and vegetables you eat every day. Try starting with four or five, then slowly increase it to seven or nine servings. Try stir frys, stews, or soups with lots of veggies for dinner. 

Are you ready to start your weight loss journey? Contact Lowcountry Plastic Surgery Center by H/K/B in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, today for a consultation on how we can help you get started on the road to success. 

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