Our Top Tips for Getting the Best Mommy Makeover

Our Top Tips for Getting the Best Mommy Makeover

You’re a mother and you love it, but childbirth changed your body into one you may not recognize anymore. You’re interested in a mommy makeover and want to know what surgery can do to restore your pre-baby body. 

Board-certified Dr. Baker with Lowcountry Plastic Surgery Center by H/K/B has extensive training and education, and years of experience in the procedures involved in mommy makeovers. Following are our tips for getting optimal results from your mommy makeover. 

Before the mommy makeover 

Research the procedures you’re interested in before your appointment. Communicate honestly with Dr. Baker and tell him what you want the procedure to accomplish. He can show you before and after photos of the procedures you’re interested in so that you can see the transformation and realistic results. 

Some questions you likely want answers to include the following: 

Once you decide to move forward, it’s important that you list every medication and supplement you take on your medical history form. You’ll also need to stop all tobacco and nicotine use, as well as NSAIDs, aspirin and herbal remedies that might affect anesthesia. Be sure to follow all of your pre-op instructions; check off each item.  

After the mommy makeover 

We provide post-op instructions specific to your procedures. Following your instructions to a T helps ensure best results with little chance of complications. 

Well before your surgical appointment, prepare yourself, your family, and your home for a recovery period. You must have a family member or friend to drive you home after the surgery. Organize all the items you’ll need near you at a comfortable station in your home. Take prescription medications as directed. 

Have family and friends help with child care and household tasks like cooking for at least a week after your procedure while you’re on prescription pain medication. Be sure to protect yourself from inadvertently trying to pick up your toddler or having your toddler near your stomach after liposuction or a tummy tuck. Get plenty of rest, but be sure to walk around the house several times a day to stimulate blood circulation. 

Don’t drive while you’re taking narcotic medications. When you no longer need the prescription medication, you can take over-the-counter NSAIDs for discomfort. 

Recovery time depends on the procedures you elect to have done. A breast lift and/or augmentation, liposuction, and tummy tuck are some of the most popular choices for a makeover. 

With any of these procedures, you’ll need to take a sabbatical from the gym and any rigorous exercise for a minimum of six weeks. That includes lifting anything — from weights to a baby — that weighs over five pounds. After about a week, you should be able to do some common household tasks like cooking, but don’t overdo it. 

If you drink socially or smoke, we ask you to refrain for at least two weeks after your surgery. Drinking alcohol can result in needless bruising and bleeding and can interfere with other medications. Smoking retards healing after any operation. 

Keep all of your post-op appointments to ensure that you’re healing correctly. You’ll love the final results. 

Call Lowcountry Plastic Surgery Center by H/K/B in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, today for a consultation on how we can help you achieve your aesthetic goals. 

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