Take Your Skin Care Regimen to the Next Level With Regular Chemical Peels

If you’re looking for a multipurpose skin rejuvenation treatment, a chemical peel is a great option. Whether you have dark spots from sun damage, acne with large pores, or fine lines and wrinkles, a chemical peel can help improve the appearance of your skin and leave it looking youthful, dewy, and radiant.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Baker with Lowcountry Plastic Surgery Center asks you about your goals, examines your skin, reviews your medical history, and lets you know if you’re a good candidate for a chemical peel

What is a chemical peel? 

A chemical peel is an aesthetic procedure that doesn’t take long, but yields outsize benefits for your skin. It helps correct a variety of imperfections. 

Dr. Baker places a chemical solution on the target area, which produces microtrauma to your outer layer of skin. The unhealthy dead skin peels off, and the nutrients in the peel foster the growth of healthy new skin cells.  

New skin cells contain fresh collagen and elastin, proteins that keep your skin smooth and supple. We individualize the peel to your personal needs. 

Which skin imperfections does a chemical peel help improve? 

A chemical peel provides solutions for a number of skin imperfections, including: 

We provide the following types of peels, which we adjust based on the condition of your skin. 

Glycolic peels

Glycolic acid reduces inflammation in your skin, protects against bacteria that cause acne flare-ups, and even helps protect against UVB radiation, although you always want to wear sunscreen. It’s an alpha hydroxy acid that occurs naturally in nature and can be made synthetically. 

Our glycolic peels exfoliate your skin, helping shed dead skin and debris from its outer layer. They open clogged pores, eliminate blackheads, and mitigate acne breakouts. If you have problems with hyperpigmentation, dark spots from sun damage, or acne marks, a glycolic peel helps rejuvenate your skin. 

Jessner’s peel 

Jessner’s peel also helps soften acne scars and reduce the appearance of large pores, fine lines and wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation. Your entire face looks more youthful. 

Lactic acid peels 

Lactic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid derived from milk. It’s found in many professional skin care products. A lactic acid peel smooths out age spots and improves your skin’s tone. It shrinks large pores. 

If your skin is somewhat sensitive, we may choose a lactic acid peel, which is milder than a glycolic peel. 

Vitalize Peel® 

Vitalize Peel is a patented chemical peel that smooths out fine lines and wrinkles and improves overall skin tone. This peel can be done once a month. You’ll see results after just one treatment, but maximum results will be visible after a few treatments. 

Chemical peels can be mild (superficial), moderate, or deep. Dr. Baker consults with you on which type of peel is going to benefit you most. Mild peels can be performed about once a month. A deep peel is often done only once. It’s reserved for deep wrinkles or precancerous spots. 

Call or send a message to Lowcountry Plastic Surgery Center by H/K/B today for a consultation on your skin’s condition and what an aesthetic treatment can do for you. Our office is in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.

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